Friday, December 3, 2010

Pack your bags we're going on a guilt trip

“The Christmas Experiment”
We’ve all tried to “do” Christmas better. We read the books and articles about simplifying and refocusing (when we can find the time) and try to copy our perfect neighbors. And every year no matter how early we start we’ll never be organized enough to pull off the perfect Christmas.

Reading “The Christmas Experiment” by Denise Wamsley provides an opportunity for personal reevaluation. Our Christmas celebration has become more commercialized and more complicated with every year. If you need to have more peace and joy during the season and less stress and discord, even changing one thing can make a difference. Wamsley wisely suggests customizing our Christmas to include bringing our family closer to Jesus Christ.

The author shares her journey to Bethlehem in book format after fifteen years of verbally teaching six lessons to help put Christ back into Christmas.
1. Simplify gift giving
2. Give all year
3. Create meaningful family experiences
4. Serve one another
5. Teach with symbolism
6. Enjoy quality traditions.

The author wisely cautions us not to fill our "inn" with presents and parties until it is so overcrowded we risk turning away The Holy Family. When Mary and Joseph seek lodging for the Christ Child will you have room in your home?

It's not too late to read this book before Christmas, but it would be even better to buy it now but read it after the decorations are put away. When that nagging little voice surfaces whispering you could have done it better, take a break, open your "inn doors" and consider Wamsley's advice.

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