Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm so Proud I Had to Share

I just had to share this headline from our local paper with you - THIS is why I ask them not to change anything on my copy when I send in my book review column. I am pretty sure the power plant is PAID for not PLAID for. We also had the dubious honor of being on the Monday Headline segment of the Tonight Show a couple of years ago with this headline: "Springville Playhouse to present "The Impotence of being Ernest". Yes, these are examples of our weekly literary fair/fare here in Springville.
Here it is - right off the newspaper website - my bold added of course.

Thursday, 26 February 2009
Springville Power Plant, Engines, Plaid For
Martin Conover - Springville Herald

City power plant, engines, paid in full

As of the first of next week the final bond payment on the Whitehead Utility Center and the engines house there will become the property of Springville City, free and clear!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aunt Debbie,
Check out this poem!!!

"The the impotence of proofreading"