Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Historical Fiction Family Style

My poor family - since I write for the newspaper they have a lot of "public exposure". Hey, write about what you know best? Anyway the editor loved this and said she cried at the end. Hmmm, I didn't. I was smiling. Mark wanted me to publish a correction since he is thinks he is portrayed incorrectly. If it was him, not saying it was, he would be busy putting 2 antique tables together from storage, setting up chairs etc. not watching football. I was trying to make it universal - something everyone could relate to...are you in here? HAPPY THANKSGIVING

Thanksgiving Day Feast of Family Memories
This year, like many families we’ll all sit down to an enormous feast. Assembled around the long dining room table extended by a couple of tipsy card tables, we will enjoy traditional favorites served up with a few Martha Stewart creations. We must have Uncle Mark’s marshmallow topped yams, Nate’s ribbon jello, Tyfani’s rolls and Alyssa’s chocolate raspberry pie. There’s too much turkey, too many side dishes and way too many pies. Well, no you can’t have too many pies on Thanksgiving. According to Chris it is absolutely the best holiday because it is all about food. He may have missed some of those great teaching moments in his early years.

As we go around the group seated at the table, each expresses something they are grateful for during 2009. The memories are often related to the age of the speaker. Grandma is tearful as she thanks everyone for coming and being together as a family again this year. Of course, some of her emotion might be related to her exhaustion caused by cleaning and cooking all week – but she really does love this eclectic crew assembled before her. Grandpa, who is not tired out by cooking and cleaning, is also happy to see everyone come over to watch football with him and eat and then nap while watching more football. He tenderly expresses his gratitude for the kindness of family members in helping each other. Building a shed together, fixing a car, tiling a bathroom, raking leaves, providing transportation and babysitting are on the long list of loving acts of family service he is grateful for.

The next generation, the moms and the dads, the aunts and the uncles, tell each other how grateful they are to be brothers and sisters in an eternal family. This can change back and forth throughout the year, but on Thanksgiving Feast Day they feel a little kinder and more forgiving of those siblings that drive them crazy like no one else can. The rule about no politics at the Thanksgiving table also helps keep the love alive through the rest of the meal.

Our singles set, or the twenty-somethings, are grateful that everyone is recycling more and trying to save the planet. They appreciate the opportunity to get an education, own a car and hope to be able to find a job – soon. Teenagers mumble under their breath “this is dumb, we do it every year…” but manage to come up with sincere expressions of gratitude that astonish their entire family. They are grateful to their parents for all their love and support. Wow, record and cherish that moment. Finally from the kid’s table, the little ones entertain everyone with their one-liners. “I gwateful for my brover Dawson not hit me.” “I thankful I getting for my Chrithmas a Wii and a Nintendo and a Play Station and a…” And the best one-liner of all, spoken with arms extended wide: “I love you everybody!”


Alyssa Coberly said...

well dang now i just want to come home more than ever :0)

Heather said...

Hey, I know those people!!